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(1991) 서울 생. 



2021- 연세대학교 커뮤니케이션대학원 미디어문화연구전공 문화학 석사과정 재학

2012-2017 한국예술종합학교 미술원 조형예술과 예술사 졸업

2014 L’École Nationale Supérieure d’Art de Dijon, Art department, 에라스무스


2019 자유롭게 떠도는 방법들: 일상 젠더, 갤러리175, 서울, 한국

2017 Cross co-ordinates, B104 갤러리, 서울, 한국


2016 가명전시, B104 갤러리, 서울, 한국

b. 1991. Born in Seoul. 




2021- M.A. in Media Cultural Studies, Graduate School of Communication&Arts, Yonsei University, Seoul, Korea 

2012-2017 B.F.A. in Fine Arts, School of Visual Arts, Korea National University of Arts, Seoul, Korea

2014 Erasmus, OPTION ART, L’École Nationale Supérieure d’Art de Dijon, France

Double exhibition

2019 Ways of Free-floating: Gender as routine, Gallery175, Seoul, Korea

2017 Cross co-ordinates, B104 Gallery, Seoul, Korea


Solo exhibition

2016 Exhibition under a false name, B104 Gallery, Seoul, Korea

Frames for _______._ ___._                                       .

© 2018-2023 손영빈 Youngbinn Sohn All rights reserved.

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